Boyfriend Gets His Girlfriend A Pair Of Special Undies! Check Out The Vibrating Panties Prank!

We are used to seeing all kinds of funny and interesting things on the Internet. There are even some people who make a living out of making pranks and posting them online! While many are notorious for making really bad pranks and trying too hard to be funny, there are some cases where the prank is actually funny. Such is the case with vibrating panties prank! A guy bought his girlfriend a special pair of underwear for her to wear. As it turns out, this pair of underwear could vibrate! The girl puts them on and they go out to dinner.

This is where the vibrating panties prank gets more interesting. They go to pick up the mother of the boyfriend, who is completely unaware that the girl is wearing vibrating panties. After the mom is picked up, the boyfriend starts messing around with the vibrating panties. He makes them vibrate while the girl is driving the car! Needless to say, his mother started questioning whether the girl is alright. Although the pair was hiding the prank from the mom for some time, eventually they told her why the girlfriend was behaving weirdly. Watch the video below and see how this prank ended!

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