If you have been on the road many times then you are certainly familiar with the following situation. You are driving somewhere, and all of a sudden you need to use the bathroom. However, a gas station or a truck stop is nowhere to be found, and you are already at your limit! In these situations, many people choose to either hold it or find a bush or a tree to take care of business. While this is an effective way, we would like to show you one of the best toilet solutions we have ever seen!
What makes this toilet so interesting is its remarkable simplicity. However, if you want to utilize this toilet, you will have to do a little bit of manual work yourself. All you need is to park your car on a dirt road and dig a small hole in the earth. After the hole has been dug, you will need to place a toilet seat on your tire. This creates a “tire toilet“ that you can use anywhere on the road! Like we said, this is one of the best toilet solutions ever! Open the photo to see how this toilet looks like! No more running to the toilet…
Finally, check out the strangest toilets ever spotted.